21 Co Revisited

21 Co. opened five years ago, in 2018, as a pop-up cafe in Far Headingley. And then a year later, moved as a cafe and gallery to Headingley Central. Like most cafes, they had to close for the pandemic – but they re-opened in August 2021. And currently they have a rolling tenancy in the Centre, but they’re hoping for something more permanent.

But why 21 Co? Well, most of us are born with 46 chromosomes. But some babies are born with an extra copy of chromosome 21 - which changes how the baby’s body and brain develop, and this is known as Down syndrome. Hence the name of the cafe, as it is run for and by people with Down syndrome.

21 Co. is in fact part of Sunshine & Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network, which provides a support network in Leeds for children and young people who have the syndrome and their families. Sunshine & Smiles was co-founded in 2011 by Ailith and a half-dozen families with children who have Down syndrome, and it was registered as a charity in 2013. Ailith notes, “Until it was founded, Leeds didn’t have a specific support network to help children and families living with Down syndrome.” Ailith’s daughter now attends Temple Moor High School in Colton, a mainstream school which includes specialist SEND provision.

The cafe offers training and work experience with the aim of creating job opportunities for people with Down syndrome. There are some two dozen staff in the cafe, of whom eleven have Down syndrome. All the income from 21 Co. goes directly back into running 21 Co. and the wider charity Sunshine & Smiles.

Ailith says, “What 21 Co. is really looking for now are local businesses who might like to employ the people with Down syndrome, we can offer support and training to help.” If you have or know of any such local business – do get in touch with Ailith, contact details below.

21 Co. continues to be supported by SREIT (Schroders Real Estate Investment Trust), BUPA charity fund, Headingley Ash Road Neighbourhood Watch, The EG Foundation, The Wharfedale Foundation, Leeds Community Foundation and many more local supporters, who offer donations and of course visit the lovely 21 Co. cafe and shop!

Ailith Harley-Roberts
Sunshine and Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network
21 Co. Gallery and Cafe
Unit 32, Headingley Central, Otley Road
Leeds, LS6 2UE
07902 054355
Registered Charity No. 1154661
You can donate to us today at: http://localgiving.com/charity/sunshineandsmiles

21 Co’s original article, posted when it opened in 2019, is here.