Far Headingley, Weetwood & West Park NDS

The original version of the Far Headingley, Weetwood and West Park Neighbourhood Design Statement (NDS) was adopted by the Council on 28th February 2005. The NDS was a result of a number of local community groups and residents coming together to ask what local people liked about the area, how the character of the area could be defined, and how future development should continue to make the area attractive to all those who live and work here. The NDS was believed to be the first of its kind in a city environment and since its adoption has provided an invaluable source of reference for local people, Leeds City Council and developers.

The NDS Steering Group, first formed in 2003, met in April 2012 to hold a public exhibition to encourage local community groups and residents to once again come together to update and review the NDS to reflect changes in the local area, as well as planning policy and legislation, and to ensure that the NDS continued to reflect the aspirations and issues of concern of local people. The revised, updated and expanded version of the Far Headingley, Weetwood and West Park NDS is the result of two years of hard work from the NDS Steering Group and local community and represents a considerable community achievement in meeting these aims.

The NDS will sit within the Council’s Local Development Framework as an adopted Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and will continue to form a key consideration for local residents, the Council and developers. I speak on behalf of Weetwood Ward Councillors and the Inner North West Area Committee when I say that I fully support the aims and objectives of the NDS and would like to thank the NDS Steering Group and local community for their considerable efforts in producing a document which continues to reflect the aspirations of local people.

This is the second edition of this Design Statement. This edition was adopted on 1st September 2014 as a Supplementary Planning Document as part of the Leeds Local Development Framework.

Councillor Sue Bentley, Foreword, Far Headingley, Weetwood and West Park Neighbourhood Design Statement, 2014
[Sue Bentley has since retired as councillor for Weetwood Ward.]